preschool education

How to prepare your child for preschool education


Preschool education is a very important step for your child and for you. While separation can be a difficult process, beginning formal learning is also an exciting step.

Here are eight tips to ease the transition to pre-primary education.

1. Discover the school together

If you can, plan to visit your child’s new school together before their first day. Play together in the school yard and explore the classroom. Thus, he will already know the establishment the day of the start of the school year.

2. Facilitate friendships

If possible, invite several children from the class to come and play with your child. This will allow them to get to know each other before school starts.

3. Play “school” together at home

Role-playing can help your child get used to the idea of ​​going to school. Take turns recreating the different routines like story time, nursery rhymes, and nap time. You can also reverse roles and let your child be the master or mistress. This will help him see school as a fun place and feel less anxious on the first day.

4. Organize games to help him prepare

Teach him how to close his buttons and zipper, put on his backpack and hang up his coat or jacket. You can also invent a game to help him put on his shoes: “Let’s see how long it takes you to put them on!” “.

5. Share your experiences

Tell your child about the first time you went to school, how you felt and what memories you have of it. If possible, find pictures of yourself from that time or other trusted adults your child knows and talk about them together.

6. Create a new routine

Several weeks before school starts, start putting in place the new habits your child will need when they start school. In the evening, choose a suitable bedtime that will ensure a good night’s sleep. In the morning, wake him up early enough that neither of you has to rush. This will allow you and your child to get used to this new rhythm. If possible, you can even start a new routine of choosing clothes together the night before and having breakfast together in the morning.

7. Listen to your child

Ask your child how he feels about going to school and reassure him that it is completely normal to be anxious, worried or feel any other emotion. Starting something new can be scary and difficult, but it can also be a lot of fun! Reassure your child that you will be there when they leave school at the end of the day and talk to them about what this routine will be like.

8. Plan how to say goodbye

Saying goodbye can be difficult for you and your child. When the time comes, try to say goodbye quickly and positively; reassure your child that you will see each other again soon. You can even invent a special routine that will help comfort him: sing a song together or do a special handshake.

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