teach children to read

Which magazine to teach children to read?


The adventure of reading begins in early childhood, through books and magazines that will already develop his desire to read. From the Grande Section of kindergarten, your child is ready to read and begins to decipher letters, syllables, then words.

To accompany him in this learning, which is not insignificant, here is a list of the best magazines suitable for beginner readers , so that the discovery of reading is above all a pleasure:

To help an aspiring young reader, a subscription to a children’s magazine is a good idea. You will be able to offer him a monthly issue that will arouse his curiosity, while giving him access to multiple resources to guide him in his wonderful reading adventure .

Which magazine to choose to teach children to read?

Available on newsstands or by subscription, Pomme d’Api is THE magazine for little ones , the one that accompanies them in their discovery of school and in their everyday life. The learning of words is already beginning: little by little, he discovers the world of letters, and learns to recognize and then write his first name on his own. All these steps are essential to allow him to learn to read, and even more, to give him the desire to read .

With fun content adapted to their age and heroes who look like them, the Pomme d’Api magazine has everything to please your child with great stories for the evening, answers to their questions and lots of ideas for activities and games. Your child is already enjoying leafing through it, handling it and observing the images. And to grow in autonomy, your child will be able to listen to the great story alone, in podcast , with each issue.

To vibrate and shiver when reading an enchanting story, there is no age. You begin to introduce your child to beautiful literature with the youth magazine Les Belles Histoires . Get ready for a journey rich in emotions, with funny or moving adventures, which should not leave your child indifferent.

Your child will quickly want to take part in the adventure and set out to conquer the enchanting words that deliciously populate their dreams. The little extra? La grande histoire is available in audio (on audio CD, mp3 to download from the site or in the Bayam application) so that your child can listen to it independently .

The CP magazine: My first I like to read

Designed for beginning readers , the monthly magazine Mes premiers J’aime lire is THE magazine that accompanies children throughout their learning to read . For the youngest readers, reading is facilitated by an audio CD (or to be listened to online in the Bayam children’s application), to help them understand the words .

Each children’s magazine is designed to help them read , little by little, at their own pace. Because the acquisition of reading requires time and patience, each word read is the small success teach children that leads him to read the following ones. The different content, games, novels, comics , are fun, to stimulate and motivate him in his learning.

To give the taste of reading: the magazine I like to read

Available on newsstands and as a subscription, you will find the children’s magazine J’aime lire available in two versions: one with an audio CD, the other without. It’s up to you to choose and subscribe your child to the one that suits him best. Whatever your choice, this children’s magazine is the ideal magazine to accompany a child in his learning to read and give him a taste for literature .

Adapted to a young reader, J’aime lire invites him to discover in each issue: an unpublished novel, comics, games, jokes and challenges . All content is adapted to their reading level. Because learning to read also rhymes with laughing and having fun .

You can now choose the ideal subscription to calmly start learning to read with your child, with the assurance of starting a wonderful adventure with him that should continue indefinitely.

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